
目前显示的是 八月, 2024的博文

10 Ways to Stay Organized with Binder Clips

  Binder clips aren’t just simple office and school supply. They do more than just organize your paperwork. These clips can do a lot of great things be it at home or in the office! They come in various colors and sizes so you can find one that works for you. You’ll be surprised with the endless of possibilities! Here are some of the ways that you can be organized with binder clips: Organize Charge Cords Keep your cables tangle-free by keeping each of them in binders. Just roll up one cable per binder clip so you’ll have easy access once needed. Keep them in a drawer or box when not in use to prevent clutter. 2. Freezer Binder Organization Maximize your freezer space by hanging frozen packages with your binder clips. Use the wire shelves to clip and hang your packages so you can have more space underneath. 3. Bottle Organizer Another fridge trick for your binder clips is to clip these in the shelves to prevent your stack of bottles from rolling around. This keeps the bottles in plac...